Today my role as mother and teacher in the home was really brought home. At church today the speakers talked about the importance of home and family and about teaching children the values that will shape them. It is up to us and not the government to teach them. Children will learn alot of things in school, but the important things are taught in the home.
I was in awe over a television talk program that I ran into last night. They were talking about education and equality. They mentioned that Mitt Romney was recently asked a question by a young Senior in high school. The question went something like this; If you are elected president how will you ensure that young people like me will be able to go to college? The host of the show then said something like this Mitt Romney totally dismissed this fellow and told him good luck you're going to need it to get through college. When they went to the footage I heard something totally different. Mitt Romney told this young fellow I am not going to make any promises toward education that I might not be able to keep. Then he told this young man to go and get an education. He said something like go to school, shop around and find a good school that you can afford to go to, you don't have to go to an expensive school to be succesful; Apply for scholarships grants and financial aid. He also warned this young man to be careful about student loans. He said there will not be anyone to bail you out later on. I thought that it was good advice!
I changed the channel but came back later and they were still talking the role of government to ensure that every student has a quality education. As far as I am concerned a quality education begins in the home and can be enhanced by the school system. My son loves Kindergarten. He has a really great teacher. I am thankful for her role in helping teach my child. He is learning about how to react in social situations and many other skills. But it is not enough. In our government system there is so much bickering about what is to be taught; and how it is to be taught; it is unbearable. Our Broken goverment system cannot take over and provide what is so needed to be taught from family life. I am teaching my children how to work and how to live a good life. It is not always easy, but it is worth it. I will leave you with a quote by one of my favorite speakers and Authors; the late Neil A Maxwell.
"If you have not chosen the kingdom of God first, it will in the end make no difference what you have chosen instead."
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